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Small-scale partnerships are one of the actions covered by the Erasmus+ program. Small-scale partnerships aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices in the field of education, training and youth. Partnerships can involve organizations from different sectors, but in our case, it involves three schools from Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

The objectives and impacts of teacher mobilities in small-scale Erasmus+ projects can be multiple. Our purposes and impacts are:
  • Improve professional development: Teacher mobilities can provide opportunities for teachers to acquire new skills, knowledge and competencies and to exchange good practices with colleagues in other countries. ​
  • ​Promote intercultural dialogue: Teacher mobilities can promote mutual understanding, respect and tolerance between people of different cultural backgrounds and contribute to the development of a European identity and citizenship.
  • Exchange of good practices: Teacher mobilities can enable the transfer and dissemination of innovative practices, methods and tools in the field of education, training and youth, and contribute to improving the quality and relevance of education and training systems.
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