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Project Summary


 Our aim is to improve the pedagogical process, giving added value to conventional learning through the creation and exchange of European educational experience and good practices in STEM & STE (A) M. combined with the use of eTwinning for collaborative space activities, we aim to enhance our students' critical and creative thinking and expression and to enrich their problem-solving skills.


Learning & training activities for teachers in order to exchange good practice in teaching with STE(A)M, using of ICT tools, e-learning, managing diversity.
- eTwinning project for students using ESA’s Teach with Space collection, a set of innovative curricular classroom resources that use space as the entry point to run STEM lessons.
-a final SpaceUp STE(A)M festival, to present to the whole school community the project's activities in class and Twinspace.


- exchange knowledge and good practices in teaching with STE(A)M.
-creating a cooperation network
--new soft skills for
teachers and students
-develop STEAM Lesson Plans
- evaluation questionnaires
- videos & photos

- eTwinning project
- teacher mobilities
- Steam Festival

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