The Instituto is attended by about 800 students (aged 13-18) coming from Massafra and from the other little towns nearby. Their background is varied and our school uses an integration policy and thus offers the most disadvantaged pupils occasions to improve their competences (3% immigrants; 4% impaired, 20% in need of new motivating learning strategies).
About 80 teachers provide Scientific, Humanistic, Artistic, Pedagogical and Language courses. 70 %students study scientific subjects , the others attend the remaining courses. All the study areas aim at providing students the proper education basis for further University studies and for good job perspectives.

Background and experience
The school functions in the Jonian costal area , naturally destined to agriculture and tourism, but politically chosen in the
60s as the site of the biggest steel production industry in Italy and in Europe. The territory is now suffering a deep
enviromental impact.
IISS de Ruggieri is an upper secondary school founded in 1967, open to the community and ready to host lectures, to
offer extra educational opportunities (stages abroad, extra language courses, attendance to theatrical performances and
to operas, visits to museums, to other towns and cities) meetings, sports events as provided with a large web- connected
auditorium, a gym, with up-to date Information laboratories with expert technicians and teachers who are trying to guide pupils how to use the Internet in a responsible and safe way.
It has been a test centre for ECDL open to the whole community for a decade now. Language teachers, every year, guide their pupils to get Cambridge certifications .
Our school has been involved in Socrates, Comenius, Erasmus+LLp European projects since 2001. Furthermore for five
years our school was twinned with a German school in Nagold.
It is 10 years since De Ruggieri school has been twinned with one of the 12 schools (Progetto Russia)in Moscow being
involved in a cultural net and regular exchanges are organized. Integral part of this project is a Russian language course
offered to our students.
Language courses (English, French and Spanish) are also organized aiming at getting an international certification and
stages in the Uk and in Ireland are held as a reinforcement of language competences .
The evaluation System used at our school is “RAV” (self evaluation report, rapporto di autovalutazione), a national
system that starts with a self evaluation aiming at looking for the school stenghts and weakenesses, in order to plan
methods that can solve the critical aspects and take advantage from the existing opportunies. Families, students,
teachers and other staff are involved in the different phases of the RAV.