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Project Summary

In the modern society, when the world closed and everyone was staring at the screen, one of the first to adjust to work in
the new reality were students and their teachers. The existence of all kinds of electronic gadgets, used so far as a means
of communication, entertainment and sharing interesting things, has become a tool for learning.
Platforms, applications and websites have become a powerful educational instrument in the hands of teachers. In a very
short time we had to become IT professionals who learned from each other. That is why sharing all this knowledge is
essential today. Its application in the classroom, when we all return to the new normal, is inevitable and instead of
denying, we must accept and use it all to the fullest. And the best way to learn is by doing something yourself.
The application of good practices from foreign schools, the use of already passed assignments and assessment cards
will not only facilitate, but also make education more fun because there is no secret that students are tired of standing in
front of screens. Using the most essential, the most motivating from distance learning will return their attention to the
On the other hand, teachers will feel professional in their ability to teach their colleagues, share their knowledge and, last
but not least, discuss problems and possible ways to overcome them.
Of course, not only the mind suffers, but the soul as well. Therefore, young people will talk to their peers about how they
went through this whole pandemic, how they felt and how they coped. They will be able to transfer all this accumulated
impression to their own countries and to their own classmates.


  •  Increasing the teaching capacity in partner schools by applying time-tested practices. This is reported through the seminars held, the open lessons taught and the methods shared with colleagues;

  • Increasing the motivation of students through the use of digital devices and lessons in class. This is accounted for by tracking school marks, which increase after participating in mobility and Erasmus + projects;

  • Raising the image of schools in society by involving them in projects Erasmus +. There is an increase in the number of students wishing to be part of such schools.

  • Increasing students' self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. Not only the success of the participants, but also the success of the classmates increases very quickly.

  • Improving the mental and emotional state of teachers and students by sharing ways to deal with anxiety, insecurity, lack of motivation, etc. during the pandemic and not usual conditions.


Activities before the mobility:
- Preparation (including: selection of participants, set up of agreements with partners and participants,
linguistic/intercultural/pedagogical, task-related preparation of participants before departure, practical arrangements)
Send official communication to all Partners involved;
- Provide detailed information on the project, publishing news on website, social media;
- Organize internal meeting to inform staff/potential participants;
- Specify all the detail of the project, including the project contract number and Erasmus+ logo, and communication rules;
- Mention all the relevant information about the project;
- Make the information and documents available to all those interested;
- Be available through dedicated e-mail and phone number to give information/guidance and clarify any doubt;
- Involve: the contact persons/staff responsible for the implementation of the project and the potential participants.
- Resume and re-confirm in written form all the aspects of the project management and implementation and be sure that key-actors are completely aware of all procedures;
- Confirm the allocation of tasks and responsibilities;
- Discuss any eventual changes (budget cut, internal and organizational changes; Legal Representatives/contact persons changes) and agree on new assets;
- Selection criteria and procedures;
- After selection preparation and details on services and destination Countries; Obligations; Behaviour code; Conditions and consequences of retirement before/during the mobility;
Implementation of the LLT activities: (carrying out of the mobility activities, monitoring, evaluation)
Activities after the mobility:

- Follow-up (including the evaluation of the activities, the formal recognition - if applicable - of the learning outcomes of
participants during the activity, as well as the dissemination and use of the project's outcomes also after the conclusion of the project).


After each mobility 8 teachers will be trained how to use new platforms, applications and sites for distance learning;
- After each mobility 20 students will learn about new culture, language;
- After each mobility students and teachers will learn about new educational system;
- After each mobility participants will measure their knowledge with their colleagues and peers;

A new teaching approach will be shared with colleagues from different methodological Committees;
- A new learning style will be introduced by the students;
- Students will share their experience with their classmates and friends;

A new teaching and learning environment will be implemented in the partner schools;
- Psycho-climate in schools will be better because of the shared issues and the ways to cope with them;
- Motivation will be increased in both students and teachers for participation in Erasmus+ projects;
- Schools will become more attractive to prospective students by participating in projects and using different teaching

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